Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Policy on health, industrial safety, and environmental protection

Stroygazmontazh has set a strategic goal of becoming one of the leading companies in Russian Federation providing the full range of construction and installation services for the oil and gas industries. We can achieve this goal only by ensuring that the products and services that we offer meet national and international laws and regulations and take into consideration the safeguarding of our employees’ health and the protection of the environment and the potential of natural resources.
Stroygazmontazh has based its policies of on the national strategy for industrial and environmental security and take into consideration corporate politics of Gazprom. The policies were approved by the top management of our company.
The policies set the following priorities in health, industrial safety and environmental protection:
  1. Protection of the health of Stroygazmontazh’s employees and the health of people residing in the areas where the company conducts operations.
  2. Improvement of industrial safety and environmental security by ensuring accident-free operation of vehicles, mechanisms, and technological equipment.
  3. Adherence to recognized labor safety and environmental protection principles.
  4. Reduction of negative impact on the environment by improving environmental safety at industrial objects and by minimizing emissions and hazardous waste in manufacturing processes by improving the quality of project documentation and the conduct of environmental environment impact assessments.
  5. The use technologies, modern machinery, and equipment that consume materials and energy efficiently and facilitate recycling and waste disposal.
  6. Management decisions regarding multiple development scenarios will be evaluated with environmental priorities in mind.
  7. Facilitate cooperation of divisions and key specialists of the company with all stakeholders to increase health, labor, and environment protection measures.
Stroygazmontazh has taken takes on the following responsibilities to allow it to achieve the goals relatedabove:
  1. Ensure compliance with Russian laws, international agreements, industry norms, and requirements for health, labor, and environmental protection.
  2. Require all personnel of Stroygazmontazh to fulfill work in accordance to the current rules and norms for security, labor, and environmental protection.
  3. Conduct technological upgrades, introduce advanced technologies, and modern equipment that eliminate the possibility of accidents at construction sites.
  4. Require subcontractors selected by our company to follow Stroygazmontazh’s health, industrial safety, and environmental protection norms.
  5. Review, correct, and improve, as required, the company policy on health, industrial safety, and environmental protection.
  6. Explain the health, industrial safety, and environmental protection politics changes to company employees, subcontractors, and other interested parties. Publicly report on our activities in this field.
  7. Engage employees in activities to improve health, industrial safety, and environmental protection; introduce incentive/motivation system for such activities.
  8. Improve the company’s management system in the field of environmental protection, use of natural resources, prevention and liquidation of accidents, introduction of ecological management systems based on ISO 14001 international standard requirements.
  9. Constantly improve the image of Stroygazmontazh as an environmentally conscientious company, recognized by the environmental protection organizations, project owners, partners and people residing in the zones of Stroygazmontazh’s operations.

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