Once again on the gas contract with China, which could be signed seven years ago

About the Author: Alexis Mastepanov - Doctor of Economics, Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of Analytical Center for Energy Policy and Security, Deputy Director IPNG Academy of Sciences, member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Energy Strategy.

The history of Russian-Chinese relations in the gas sector, including the so-called contract of the century - Contract for the supply of Russian pipeline gas to China along the eastern route - we were thoroughly discussed in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" in the past year (see. "NG-energy" from 10/14/14). We add only that if it were not "work" overt and covert enemies eastern gas projects, which has also been mentioned in the newspaper, to sign such a contract could be, at least not in the worst conditions, five or seven years ago. But as they say, better late than never. Implementation of projects such as "The Power of Siberia" and the gas contract with China creates the material basis to diversify our gas exports. And their basic meaning.
As for the "Power of Siberia", this gas pipeline, or rather - the system of main gas pipelines is an important part of a unique project for the development of gas resources of the East of the country. Its mission - to ensure the supply of natural gas the largest deposits of this region (Chayandinskoye oil and gas in Yakutia and the Kovykta gas condensate field in the Irkutsk) to consumers in Eastern Siberia and the Far East and export to Asia-Pacific.
It should be noted that the study of the question of formation of large gas production centers in Eastern Russia, related pipeline system has quite a long history. In particular, the strategic task of forming a unified gas transportation system (GTS), the region was first formulated in the Energy Strategy of Siberia, prepared in 1997-1998, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Interregional Association "Siberian Agreement" and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It says: "In the long term, beyond 2010, the gas streams that originate in the west (north of Irkutsk region, south-west of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the east (Sakhalin Island), can be the basis unified gas transportation system east Russia not only provides gas vast territory from Irkutsk to Vladivostok, but also feed on exports to state the APR up to 50 billion cubic meters. meters of gas a year. "
Continued development of these ideas in the main public documents related to energy. This Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020 and program creation in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, an integrated gas production, transportation and supply with the possibility of gas exports to Asia-Pacific countries. Last for short more often referred to simply as the Eastern Gas Program, and it was approved by the September 3, 2007 Order of the Russian Ministry of Industry number 340.
But the realization of the idea inhibited a number of objective (and subjective) factors, causes circumstances. The most important of them - the multi-component gas main fields in Eastern Siberia and the Far East - has already been discussed by us in the "NG-energy" from 10.14.14. To repeat: the gas fields of Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Yakutsk centers has a high content of ethane, propane, butane and other hydrocarbons, as well as helium, characterized by the presence of oil rims and big condensate factor.
This feature of the eastern fields objectively require the use of the region's most advanced high technology and full use of all contained in the produced gas components. Ultimately, as we have formulated this problem in the early 2000s, we should be talking about here is not to just produce gas and sell it for export, and organize the east Russian gas chemical complex enterprises and export products with high added value . As a result, it is this feature of the eastern fields and required the development of the already mentioned the Eastern Gas Program.
The second factor hindering the development objective of the largest deposits of eastern Russia, - here the narrowness of domestic gas market, the need to go for cost-effective development of core deposits to foreign markets, ie gas exports. For example, gas Chayandinskoye field, like many others in the region, due to the actual geographical conditions and lack of infrastructure simply not competitive in the domestic market. But in connection with the export situation is changing. Although talks with the same China and other countries in Northeast Asia were from the mid-1990s, in May 2014 JSC "Gazprom" and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed an aforementioned "contract of the century" - contract the supply of Russian gas pipeline to China. In accordance with this document, China will export 38 billion cubic meters. meters of Russian gas for 30 years.
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The pipeline is "The Power of Siberia" will receive natural gas from fields located mostly in the marshy tundra. Photo from www.kremlin.ru |
The total length of the gas transmission system for the implementation of this contract (the first stage of the GTS "The Power of Siberia") will be approximately 4 thousand. Km, its work will provide a total capacity of eight COP 1,331 MW. The pipeline will be built almost entirely of longitudinal welded pipes of domestic production of cold-resistant steel grade K60 with external anticorrosive and internal smooth coating of 1,420 mm and a wall thickness of 21.7 mm, designed for a working pressure of 100 atm.
How to answer the question of the magazine "Gazprom" at the beginning of October 2014 Member of the Board, Head of Investment and Construction JSC "Gazprom" Yaroslav Golko, "completed testing a new type of large-diameter pipes with high deformation capacity, designed for the gas pipeline system" Power of Siberia " . Such tubes can continue to operate in areas with active tectonic faults, as well as in areas of seismic activity than 8 points. Their production for "Gazprom" will be established for the first time in Russian enterprises. "
On the construction of the first phase of "Power of Siberia" will employ approximately 11,700 professionals to operate the pipeline will be about 3 thousand. Man.
After signing the contract with CNPC management of OJSC "Gazprom" has approved a comprehensive action plan to build gas production and transmission facilities using gas fields Yakutsk and Irkutsk gas production centers. Among the main activities - for geological exploration and engineering research, design and estimate documentation and construction of field facilities. And since the end of May 2014 all relevant divisions and subsidiaries of the company launched a project to build gas production, gas transportation and gas processing facilities for organizing the supply of gas to China. And on September 1 in Yakutsk hosted the celebrations dedicated to welding the first joint of the GTS.
Currently in full swing preparing for the arrangement Chayandinskoye field construction of the GTS, Amur gas processing and helium plants. In particular, the finalized project documentation of the gas and the first portion of GTS - from Chayandinskoye field to Lensk. Carried out design and survey work on the site of GTS Lensk to Freeport, the preparatory work for the start of the design area to Blagoveshchensk (on the border with China) and section Kovykta-Chayanda and carried out the design of the Amur GPP. And by the end of 2018, according to OAO "Gazprom", the completion of the linear part of the highway from Chayanda to Blagoveshchensk and one compressor station (CS) would begin exporting gas. Fully the first phase of "Power of Siberia" a design capacity of 38 billion cubic meters.meters of gas per year will be commissioned in 2031.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking last year at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, called the project the largest construction project in the world. According to him, Russia for four or five years to invest in the project about $ 55 billion. China will spend on infrastructure to supply another 20-22 billion dollars.
As the Deputy Head of Project Management, Head of the East-Oriented Project OAO "Gazprom" Victor Timoshilov, after the commissioning of the first stage of the pipeline, "The Power of Siberia" to Blagoveshchensk will be a central element of the eastern part of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, which in the long run may (subject to availability market conditions) to develop in the direction of both the GTS "Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok" and the existing Unified Gas Supply System (in the case of development of deposits of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and construction in the region of gas trunkline). Able to supply gas from Eastern Siberia in two strategic directions - east and west - was first settled in the Eastern Gas Program.
By the way, this program was planned that the pipeline will be built immediately to Khabarovsk, in order to ensure the gas supply and gas liquefaction plant in Vladivostok. But changing conditions (both external and internal), and together with them and change plans.
Simultaneously with the construction of hydraulic structures unfold and work on the development of Chayandinskoye condensate field, which has reserves of 1.45 trillion cubic meters. meters of gas and about 93 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons. Already this, in 2015, in accordance with the approved comprehensive plan is expected to be completed exploration and start arrangement gas deposits. The final calculation of reserves will be held in 2016, and gas production will start in late 2018. For the first time in Russia on an industrial scale will be used membrane technology of extraction of helium from natural gas directly in the field. This innovative technology will leave the gas intended for transportation on the "Power of Siberia", as much helium as possible to produce and implement a helium plant in the Amur region (80 million liters). And the rest of the helium is injected back into the Chayandinskoye field. According to the Department of Media and the administration of the head of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), depending on the intensity of production in this kind of storage will be pumped from 5.5 to 10.6 billion cubic meters. m enriched gas helium.
Comprehensive Plan also expected to begin trial production of oil in Chayandinskoye field in 2014, and pilot production - in 2015. Supply of oil pipeline Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean is planned for late 2017.
Relevant work is being done on the Kovykta gas condensate field. Until the end of 2018 will be conducted research test wells Kovyktinskoye KGM in various modes, and by 2023 it will be connected to the GTS "The Power of Siberia."
Synchronously with the gas transmission and production capacities will be built and gas processing facilities and gas chemistry. As noted in the "Gazprom", taken to date solutions include construction of a gas (ILI) and helium plant in the Amur region, the design work which is already underway. UTN "The Power of Siberia" on GPP will flow gas Chayandinskoye and Kovykta fields where from it will be a dedicated nitrogen-helium concentrate, ethane, propane, butane fractions. Thus, of the total volume of gas destined for export, valuable components are extracted in the Russian territory, which would be an important contribution of "Gazprom" in the socio-economic development of the Far East region. In this case, ethane produced at GEA will supply the generated gas chemical complex near SIBUR for further processing. The primary outputs of the MCC will be polyethylene, but in the future possibly expanding the range of products. Helium plant will produce liquid helium trademark.
In general, this large-scale project will give impetus to the development of a number of sectors of the Russian economy: industry, pipe industry, mechanical engineering.
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Contract with Beijing allows Russia to develop difficult fields of Siberia. Photo from www.gazprom.ru |
However, after the signing of gas contracts with China and in some media, and at various conferences a new wave of criticism of the project and contract terms unfavorable to Russia, and the project will require such huge investments, that he would never be repaid (properly be called the GTS is not " Power of Siberia "and" Golden Stream "), etc. etc. Interestingly, by the way, note that almost all reputable experts expressed similar criticisms, and they were limited by not offering any alternative directions of development of the gas industry in the east of the country, or alternative projects.
In this respect, the situation reminds me of the one that has developed some time ago about the opposition of oil and gas (and resource industries in general) innovation, when critics existing resource and export strategy for Russia's development reinforce their statements slogans such as "get off oil and gas needle" overcome " resource curse ", etc.
Answered them, and Professor Andrew Konoplyanik repeatedly emphasized that the presence of oil and gas resources is not a curse, but a blessing if they properly dispose of, that is, the problem is not the availability of resources and the effectiveness of their development and use of income from them.
As well, in our view, things in the case of the Chinese contract and GTS "The Power of Siberia." There are various ways to assess their significance for Russia, depending on how you count and what to come.
Assuming that the further development of the GTS will not be that it is created only for gas exports to China, then maybe its critics something right. Although in this scenario is hardly justified all the costs of construction and operation Chayandinskoye and Kovykta deposit is only on export contract. Yes, and "The Power of Siberia" - it is not only the main gas pipeline. It is also a pipeline from the fields to him, the construction of pumping and compressor stations and deposits themselves, road building, communication lines, the development of electricity infrastructure, gas pipelines - elbows and gasification adjacent areas, training of qualified specialists from the local population ... So, According to the previously mentioned department on work with the media and administration of the head of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the only inhabitants of this region 314 towns and villages will have access to cheaper than imported diesel fuel, and environmentally friendly energy sources. A common multiplier effect on the formation of long-term reserves of helium and long-term storage of helium concentrate, with the development of related industries, will be up to 2030, according to preliminary estimates, about 6.7 trillion rubles.when necessary investment for these purposes up to 250 billion rubles.
But if you look wider, strategically, considering this as a priority GTS link future Unified Gas Supply System of Eastern Russia (UGSS BP) (the central element of the eastern part of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, in the words of VP Timoshilova), then the evaluation will be others.
First of all, the presence of UGS will enable BP to connect to it not only smaller gas and oil and gas fields in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, but also the associated gas from oil fields in these regions, to form around it a number of petrochemical complexes, industries and enterprises. And in this work can (and should!) Be included not only the major Russian oil and gas and Petrochemical Company ("Gazprom", "Rosneft", "Surgutneftegaz" SIBUR et al.), But also the relevant foreign companies and structures.
And this approach construction of hydraulic structures and the development of related fields will be one of the most important tools (or one of the means) is not only the formation of the east efficient gas industry, but also to create on this basis, the conditions for rapid socio-economic development and the improvement of living level of population living here.
In particular, ESG BP can be the basis of formation of two systems or sets of petrochemical clusters: East Siberian and Far East. Each system will be a complex development projects in the region of capacities for deep processing of oil, creating facilities for gas processing and petrochemical, including the production of final petrochemical products, with the maximum value added.
After analyzing the global experience and resource potential of the region, believe it is possible on the basis of a successful combination of new and existing technologies developed within the framework of the formation of the East Siberian Irkutsk system (Angarsk-Sayan), North-Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk (Boguchansky-Kan) clusters. In the Far Eastern petrochemical cluster system could enter Khabarovsk, Amur, Primorsk and possibly Yakut clusters. And in this case, the investment in the "Power of Siberia" investments will not only specific to this project, and in the future development of the productive forces of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia and the East in general. And it is quite a "balance".
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