The company has distributed the second order for their production by 67.8 billion rubles.
"Gazprom" on Wednesday announced the results of the tender for the purchase of large-diameter pipes (LDP) for 2015-2016. for the construction of a pipeline to China, "The Power of Siberia."Message posted on public procurement. The amount of the tender amounted to 67.8 billion rubles., The customer - "Gazprom Komplektatsiya", and put the LDP made pipe manufacturers will have to "Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk".
Previous tender for the purchase of large diameter pipes for the "Power of Siberia" "Gazprom" held in July 2013, when the company has allocated 9.3 billion rubles. between OMK and ChTPZ "Severstal". Company for the money put "Gazprom" 122 387 tons of pipes. Shipments began in autumn 2014 after signing a contract with China's CNPC to supply gas to China.
Now "Gazprom" has purchased 819,460 tons of pipes, 758,000 tons of which - the pipe diameter of 1420 mm, and the rest - with a diameter of 530 mm and 1720, 24% of the order of 16.5 billion rubles. OMC got 19% of 12.6 billion rubles. - TMK, 20% - "Severstal" (13.5 billion rubles.) And Chelyabinsk (13.8 billion rubles.), And the remaining 17% (11.5 billion rubles.) - "Pipe innovative projects" Ivan Shabalova. Thus, "Gazprom" has already purchased and ordered 941,847 tons of pipes. Total for the construction of the gas pipeline "The Power of Siberia" to China, according to the site of "Gazprom", requires 1.7 million tonnes of pipes. Only for the purchase of pipes "Gazprom" can spend up to 130 billion rubles., The total cost of the pipeline with the infrastructure - 770 billion rubles.
Under the agreement with China's CNPC to supply "Power of Siberia" should begin in the 2018-2020 biennium. Asked when the remaining tubes will be purchased, a company spokesman did not respond.
Up to 40% of the pipe manufacturers have to get right. Last autumn, "Gazprom" has signed an agreement with the pipe manufacturers prepayment on which pipe manufacturers in exchange for an advance should provide a discount. According to sources, "Interfax", a discount up to 10%.
Investors reacted immediately to the news. Shares pipe companies on the London Stock Exchange at the moment grew at TMK 6.2%, from "Severstal" - by 3.2%. But on trades TMK fell by 1% to $ 753.6 million, and "Severstal" increased by 2.9% to $ 9.9 billion, CTRP lost in the capitalization on the Moscow Stock Exchange 3.6%, under the close of business the company was worth 19, 1 billion rubles.
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